Thursday, April 7, 2022

No Longer Loyal to the Loyalists


    We are far better breaking off from the country that held us captive for so long than still letting them have a grip on us. It’s unbelievable that there are people who still want their parents to make decisions for them. Why does the motherland feel the need to have their influence over us after we have clearly put 3000 miles between us. Without their influence, we can make the government we’ve always wanted. We can decide who has the power and how things will be divided up between us. We get to choose how the economy is run and trades are handled. This is our chance to get all of the things we disagreed with the motherland on right. 

Not only did we feel like we were being unfairly taxed, but there were several religious issues that arose, and political division that really lit the match. We have been unjustly treated for years and it’s time we take what is rightfully ours, freedom. The church of England should not require everyone to fulfill certain requirements or perform rituals that don’t align with a person’s beliefs. Religion should be a relational and personal experience that isn’t required to conform to a specific church’s practices. We believe that breaking off from the UK entirely will be in the best interest of the colonies. 

This decision is not something that we are making lightly. It is in the best interest of all of the colonists that we cut our ties with the UK. We have taken the right measures to ensure that our society is run the way we want to run it, the way we can best run it. Taxation for no reason is not acceptable and I believe that if we are a separate island to the UK, we shouldn’t owe anything to them. We also believe that when it comes to religion, we should not interfere with people’s personal connections with God and force them to conform to practices that aren’t discussed in the Bible. Taxes for the church should consist of Tithes and other donations. There shouldn’t be any payment to get people out of purgatory, like how the catholics run things. The protestant reformation is about standing up for our beliefs and doing what is biblical and not societal. 

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