Thursday, April 7, 2022

My Top 5 News Sources


    My top 5 news sources have changed a lot over the years and my preferences will probably be very different to someone a few years older than me. What I mean by this is with the rise of social media, the outlets where I search for news and updates have only existed for a decade or so. One of the main news sources I use is snapchat: Stay Tuned stories to stay up to date on major events going on in the world. 

    I also use the Apple News app on my phone to check out breaking news headlines and read some stories from a range of different news outlets that are posted on the app. This is one of the fastest and most convenient ways to get information on what is happening in the world. I remember in my senior year of high school, I was walking through the hall to my first class of the day. The hall was empty because I was a few minutes late but there were two guys a few steps behind me. I heard a buzz and checked my phone to see what the notification was. It was an Apple News notification informing me that Matt Lauer had been fired from the Today Show for sexual assaut allegations. I heard one of the guys behind me say “Dude, Matt Lauer just got fired.” I don’t know why but that memory is so clear in my mind. Probably because I had grown up watching the Today Show in the morning with my mum. 

The next news source that I use is, sorry I should say used, because after this class I haven’t trusted it again. The New York Times. I read this paper until professor Smith told us in class that they had been lying about a story for 2 years. Since then, I have not trusted them as a reliable news source. Instead, I have turned to the Washington post for my news. They are more reliable and are very well known for some of the ground breaking stories they have covered. I would read the new yorker but that's almost the same as asking someone to summarize the news from yesterday to me. It’s confusing and outdated. 

The fourth news outlet that I use is BBC news on instagram. I really like that they put the headlines of stories in the instagram story so I can quickly tap from one story to the next. It is quick and efficient. I also believe that staying in touch with my home country and what’s going on there is equally important as informing myself about the country I'm currently in. Especially since I am still a British citizen. Lastly, I still watch the Today Show with my mum. It’s a fun routine we have in the morning when I'm home. It’s more relaxed and lighthearted which I really enjoy and it’s a great way to start the morning. All of these outlets have been really helpful in informing me on what is going on in the world. I believe that they are all really reliable and are packaged really nicely. 

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