Wednesday, February 9, 2022

The Chicago Tribune

What was most interesting to me when learning about the Chicago tribune was how they printed out the wrong name when president Truman won the presidency. This was not an accidental typo, the paper genuinely thought that Dewey was going to win the election. I think it's funny that we build up these newspapers and publications to be so official that I forget there are actual people behind them producing the articles with their own thoughts, feelings, and opinions behind them and a lot of that influenced the printing of the wrong winner. 

It is now known as the biggest wrong call in election history. The polls were leaving no room for doubt and looked almost certain that Dewey would win, and the Chicago Tribune was a little too confident in that fact. I also really liked seeing the picture of President Truman on the presentation holding up a copy of the misprinted paper, that was very comical.

I also thought it was amazing how many awards it has won. It is one of the largest papers in the midwest and I am surprised how much it has grown since it originally started in 1847. I didn’t know what a flagship publication was until I researched the Chicago tribune and so it has also been very informative, learning that publications is part of a media group with other newspapers. 

This presentation was really interesting and I learned a lot from it, especially about being a sensible journalist, who doesn't put too much faith in the polls. The stance of the tribune for this republican politician was slightly too obvious and did not work in their favor in the end.

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